All you need to know about Traits in PHP


In PHP, traits serve as a powerful tool to circumvent the limitations of single inheritance, enabling seamless code reuse. Essentially, they allow developers to inject sets of methods into different classes, fostering modular and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) coding practices

A trait provides a means to reuse code in languages that follow single inheritance, such as PHP . This enables developers to incorporate methods into various classes. Given that PHP prohibits multiple inheritance, wherein a single class cannot derive attributes from several parent classes simultaneously, traits present an adaptable method to augment the functionalities of a class beyond the constraints of inheritance.

Benefits of Using Traits:

  1. Code Reusability – A single trait can be used in multiple classes.
  2. Maintainability – Centralized code means any changes made to a trait are reflected wherever the trait is used.


  • Declare a trait using the trait keyword.
  • To use the methods in a trait inside a class, use the use keyword.
// A simple trait with a method
trait HelloWorld {
    public function sayHello() {
        echo 'Hello, World!';

// A class that uses the trait
class Greeting {
    use HelloWorld;

// Another class that uses the same trait
class AnotherGreeting {
    use HelloWorld;

// Creating objects of the classes
$greeting = new Greeting();
$greeting->sayHello(); // Outputs: Hello, World!

$anotherGreeting = new AnotherGreeting();
$anotherGreeting->sayHello(); // Outputs: Hello, World!

Things to note

Conflict Resolution: If two traits have methods with the same name, and a class tries to use both traits, a conflict will arise. You can resolve it by aliasing method names from one or both traits.

trait Trait1 {
    public function test() {
        echo 'Trait1 test method';

trait Trait2 {
    public function test() {
        echo 'Trait2 test method';

class MyClass {
    use Trait1, Trait2 {
        Trait1::test insteadof Trait2;  // Use Trait1's test method and exclude Trait2's test method
        Trait2::test as test2;         // Give an alias to Trait2's test method

Trait Composition: Traits can also use other traits.

trait TraitA {
    public function sayHi() {
        echo "Hi from TraitA";

trait TraitB {
    use TraitA;
    public function sayBye() {
        echo "Bye from TraitB";

class MyClass {
    use TraitB;

$obj = new MyClass();
$obj->sayHi();   // Outputs: Hi from TraitA
$obj->sayBye();  // Outputs: Bye from TraitB

Properties in Traits: Traits can also define properties.

trait TraitWithProperty {
    public $traitProperty = "This is from the trait";

class MyClassWithProperty {
    use TraitWithProperty;

$obj = new MyClassWithProperty();
echo $obj->traitProperty;  // Outputs: This is from the trait

Changing Method Visibility : Using the as syntax, one can also adjust the visibility of the method in the exhibiting class.

trait HelloWorld {
    public function sayHello() {
        echo 'Hello World!';

// Change visibility of sayHello
class MyClass1 {
    use HelloWorld { sayHello as protected; }

// Alias method with changed visibility
// sayHello visibility not changed
class MyClass2 {
    use HelloWorld { sayHello as private myPrivateHello; }

Precedence Order: An inherited member from a base class is overridden by a member inserted by a Trait. The precedence order is that members from the current class override Trait methods, which in turn override inherited methods.

class Base {
    public function sayHello() {
        echo 'Hello ';

trait SayWorld {
    public function sayHello() {
        echo 'World!';

class MyHelloWorld extends Base {
    use SayWorld;

$o = new MyHelloWorld();

The above example will output “Hello World”

But in the below example it is little different

trait HelloWorld {
    public function sayHello() {
        echo 'Hello World!';

class TheWorldIsNotEnough {
    use HelloWorld;
    public function sayHello() {
        echo 'Hello Universe!';

$o = new TheWorldIsNotEnough();

The above example will output “Hello Universe”

Multiple Traits : Multiple Traits can be inserted into a class by listing them in the use statement, separated by commas.

trait Hello {
    public function sayHello() {
        echo 'Hello ';

trait World {
    public function sayWorld() {
        echo 'World';

class MyHelloWorld {
    use Hello, World;
    public function sayExclamationMark() {
        echo '!';

$o = new MyHelloWorld();

Traits Composed from Traits : Just as classes can make use of traits, so can other traits. By using one or more traits in a trait definition, it can be composed partially or entirely of the members defined in those other traits.

trait Hello {
    public function sayHello() {
        echo 'Hello ';

trait World {
    public function sayWorld() {
        echo 'World!';

trait HelloWorld {
    use Hello, World;

class MyHelloWorld {
    use HelloWorld;

$o = new MyHelloWorld();

Traits in PHP stand as a testament to the language’s adaptability and its commitment to providing developers with robust tools that bridge fundamental gaps. Recognizing the limitations of single inheritance, PHP introduced traits to alleviate the challenges associated with code reuse. Traits empower developers by allowing them to blend diverse functionalities from multiple sources into a single class, ensuring modular, maintainable, and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) code.

While traits offer significant advantages, it’s crucial for developers to exercise caution. They shouldn’t be seen as a one-size-fits-all solution but rather as a strategic tool. Over-reliance on or misuse of traits can lead to complex code hierarchies and unintended side effects. Like any powerful tool, traits demand respect and careful consideration.

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